What we do
Our Projects

MEDICAL: Development of Immersive training environments for Myoelectric Prosthetics
So far immersive Virtual Reality methods haven’t been fully studied for upper limb myoelectric prosthesis training. Since conventional training methods for prosthetics fall short and need improvement for amputees, modifying conventional training methods towards Immersive Virtual Reality environments will help produce better results concerning prosthetics adoption. Moreover, adding the element of gamification can improve patient motivation and learning outcomes. Considering these facts, it is necessary to study if upper limb prosthesis training can be improved through gamified Immersive virtual reality and how such an environment should be formed
Bora Sezer, Assoc. Prof. Simge E. Orhun, Prof. Erhan Oztop, Berke Bakkaloglu

CULTURAL HERITAGE: Gamified immersive museum experiences and cultural heritage preservation
The OzU VR Lab puts efforts to digitally achieve and share cultural heritage conservation through photogrammetry. The main objective is to form immersive experiences in Virtual Reality that include gamification. Besides preserving monumental assets against disaster recovery scenarios, the Lab also aims to exhibit them through VR for people who don’t have the chance to visit these places. Virtual Reality can allow museums reach larger audiences and attract new target groups. In this light, it becomes important to study how information of these assets can be presented and how motivation regarding potential visitors can be increased
Bora Sezer, Elias Sarantopoulos, Prof. Simge E. Orhun , Can Turkinan, Prof. Allessandro Camiz

COGNITIVE: Avatars, Body Ownership illusion and Cognitive behavioral adaptations
This is a collaborative interdisciplinary project taking place between Özyeğin University’s OzU VR and Boğaziçi University’s Vision Laboratories (https://visionlab.boun.edu.tr/en). We are generally focused on the process of adopting virtual bodies (avatars) assigned to users in virtual reality environments. The aim of the research is to observe the behaviors participants exhibit when faced with obstacles during the assignments of different sized avatars. The basic questions to be resolved are; to what extent can virtual avatars be manipulated compared to the personal body images of the users and what are the proportions regarding the ownership process
Bora Sezer, Prof. Erhan Oztop, Assoc. Prof. Inci Ayhan (BOUN), Assoc. Prof. Emre Ugur (BOUN), Safa Andac (BOUN)

EDUCATION: Teaching Virtual Reality Design and Immersive Learning Environments
The consumer industry for VR is growing rapidly as hardware becomes more affordable. Once an exotic field of science now has become an important field for creative people and programmers. This has his own effects on the education system making it a need to teach the new technology and its utilities. This study assumes that designing Virtual Environments is an interdisciplinary field and it should be thought in interdisciplinary group environments. We observe the effects of teaching VR in team formations and measure the difference between different applications. Related departments in the university are enlisted and it is inspected how students from different areas collaborate with each other
Bora Sezer, Prof. Simge E. Orhun, Yasemin Yıldırım, Prof. Allessandro Camiz